
流金岁月— 汪天亮教授个展

[日期:2010年04月03日] 来源:中国艺术家网  作者:韩英 [字体: ]



Reappearing Glory-Wang Tian Liang
Solo Exhibition:
Reappearing Glory    ----Wang Tian Liang Solo Exhibition   
Exhibition Date: 2010/4/16----2010/5/12
Opening Reception:2010/4/17  (Saturday )15:00
Artists: Wang Tian Liang
Curator:Ada & Karen
Exhibition Location: 798 East Street,798 Art District ,No 2 Jiu Xian Qiao Road,Chao Yang,BeiJing,China   
Gallery: Red Rose White Rose Asian Art
Exhibition Introduction:
As an international well known and outstanding artist, Wang Tian Liang has been exploring different fine art media, such as lacquer, ceramic, shell, gold foil, ink, and oil on canvas, to express his strong   insight romantic feeling  and imagination  toward the life in the past golden age, even though he never has chance to live with the lives in his history books.


All the elements Wang used to create his imaginative artworks are gorgeous and splendid colors and vivid styles of dermatoglyphic patterns from ancient fashions, house wares, furniture, architectures, even calligraphy in the ancient dynasties.
What are the other key elements under the visual covers? 
Poetry  is one of the spiritual heritages in China, in addition to fine arts, in the past golden days too. Looking at his artworks is very much like reading a passion or pure, romantic or meditating poems. Sensational imagination touch is every where on behind.
 Song , music melody ,  and  silence  are certainly other elements which are not too difficult to be found in his artworks. Draw lines are so vivid and as a dancing and fluent melody.


Features of Wang Tian Liang Artworks

         Combing both Chinese ancient ‘decorative abstract lacquer artworks’ and ‘pictorial calligraphy’ as one of his major creation elements, along with modern art constitution.
         His abstract artwork does not duplicate the western abstract artwork at all, but with very unique and oriental characteristics.
         In creating , he was so focusing on the composition of artwork, that ink and drawing was ignored, as a expressing tools,  eventually
Artist finally lost himself by changing tones of colors on his artworks to express his feeling and inspiration.

         All the inspiration catched at that moment is naturally melted into all artworks and last forever hopefully.
         Dancing melody, splendid colors, great momentums, as well as mystery are quite often found in his artwork.
The artist is very special and individualized in art creation and in life, where his uniqueness has been made.
Again, he is absolutely very much unique in the contemporary art in China and worldwide.


展览主题:流金岁月— 汪天亮教授个展
策展人:ADA & 拉措



汪天亮的畫作 特色
       以中國古代“漆抽象裝飾畫”及“准抽象的書法”為媒體,汲取 現代構成方法,創造出具有中國特色,不被西方抽象畫同化、極具個性的畫作。
       他的畫作往往 根據構圖的要求,使筆墨完全脫離繪形的功能,

       他的畫, 韻律飛動,色塊多變,氣勢磅礴,充滿神秘感。
經過十餘年來的不斷探索, 毫無疑問的, 在當代藝術的領域裡, 無論是歐美或是亞洲, 汪天亮已經是被公認的優秀藝術家






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