Collage of Memories — Korean Contemporary Art
2010.11.20 — 2011.1.2
开幕酒会/Reception:2010.11.20 4:00pm

CHOI WoolGa-2009.XP series-black,I don‘‘t say for you-oil on canvas-259.1x193.9cm-2009-崔蔚家-2009XP系列-我不为你说话-布面油画-259.1x193.
Collage is virtually omnipresent in our lives. From TV to internet, newspaper to smartphone, signboard to media facade, everything we see is an assemblage of fragments with varying points of views. Now, the flow of information moves in a non-linear way and people use multiple windows to see the world that defies any unifying system of perspective. You can say that the world of contemporary life is a collage per se. However, this does not necessarily mean that there is no ruling perspective, but rather the value of many smaller viewpoints can win a bigger one. Nothing is more superior or inferior to something else forever. Smaller value systems exist in parallel and moreover, they are growingly mobile and their meanings are in transition to survive in the new platform of the globalized world.
In this context , “Collage of Memories,” the exhibition of contemporary Korean art , redefines the concept of ‘collage’ through 10 artists who have unique understanding of media, history, private memories, culture, and globalism&identity. Their interpretation of the methodology unmasks the very natures of the changed society. This means we need to see more than a physical technique or a marriage of heterogeneous materials from the exhibition. What becomes more important is a philosophical attitude that can spread over any expressive medium. Those 10 artists commonly arrive at an aesthetic position that makes not only a methodological bridge between art, novel, poetry, architecture, and motion picture, but also a chronological link between the present and the past and even to the future. We need to see collage as not a form but an attitude to open, link, and mix the seemingly incomparable multitude. I subdivided the attitude of 10 collage artists into five categories.
CHO DuckHyun_Collage of memories- installation-370cmx315cm x150cm-2009-2010-曺德鉉-回忆的拼贴-装置-外框尺寸高370cm,宽315cm,深150cm-2009-2010.
Curator: LEE DaeHyung2010“Korean Eye: Fantastic Ordinary”, Saatchi Gallery, London, Singapore, Korea
2009“Korea Eye: MOON GENERATION”, Saatchi Gallery, London, England
2008“BLUE DOT-Asia”, Seoul Arts Center, Seoul, Korea
2005“3 Faces & 3 Colours”: Fang Lijun, Yue Minjun, Zhang Xiaogang, Gallery ARTSIDE, Seoul, Korea
“Zeng Fanzhi - Unmask the Mask”, Gallery ARTSIDE, Seoul, Korea
安斗镇 曺德铉 崔蔚家 蒋承孝 金东基 金容宽 李二男 李知娟 文亨珉 朴正爀
AHN DooJin, CHO DuckHyun, CHOI Woolga, JANG SeungHyo, KIM DongGi, KIM YongKwan, LEE LeeNam, LEE JiYen , MOON HyungMin,PARK JungHyuk
AHN DooJin-Do remember!-acrylic on canvas-270x230cm-2007 -安斗鎭-记住!-布面亚克力-270x230cm-2007.
KIM DongGi-Body Double 1-acrylic on paper-259x193cm-2010-金東基-双体1-纸上亚克力-259x193cm-2010.
LEE LeeNam-Crossover Badashanren-LED TV-55inch-7min30sec-2010-李二男-交织八大山人-LED电视-55英寸-7分30秒-2010.
MOON Hyung Min-By numbers series-FORTUNE 2008-Painting on Canvas-150x150cm-2010-文亨珉-数字系列-FORTUNE 2008-布面油画-150x150cm-2008-2010.
PARK JungHyuk-Park‘‘s Park6-acrylic on canvas-130x193cm-2009-朴正爀-朴的朴6-布面亚克力-130x193cm-2009.
Soka Art Center (Creative Square westward 100meter),798 Art District,No.2 Jiuxiaoqiao Road, Chaoyang District,Beijing,China
T/8610.5978.4808 F/8610.5978.4811 E/